School Information

Admission Information:

Early Head Start (Homebased) (Ages 0-3 & those who are pregnant), Head Start and State Preschool services are provided to qualified families. Children are admitted into the program based on priority using the Early Head Start (Homebased) (Ages 0-3 & those who are pregnant), Head Start or State Preschool Eligibility Criteria.

The Early Head Start (Homebased) (Ages 0-3 & those who are pregnant) and Head Start Program is funded by the Federal Government - The United States Department of Health and Human Services. It serves 0-3 & those who are pregnant and pre-kindergarten children 3 - 5 years of age. The Head Start Program’s funds are delegated through Riverside County Office of Education.  

The State Preschool Program is funded by the California Department of Education, Child Development Division, serving pre-kindergarten children 3 - 5 years of age in a half-day school readiness program. The Program is operated in compliance with the Funding Terms and Conditions of the State of California, Department of Education, Child Development Division and Title 5 of the Administrative Code. The Program is funded through Riverside County Office of Education.

All programs are licensed by the Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing (CCL) Title 22.

The program operates on a non-discriminatory and non-religious instruction basis, provides equal treatment and serves children regardless of their race, gender, religion, disability, or ethnicity.  The program refrains from religious instruction and worship.  The San Jacinto USD Early Childhood Education Centers serves children with disabilities and other special needs when appropriate.